
3 Adaptable Tips To Manage Acne In Oily Skin

POSTED ON    Soham Mulani
3 Adaptable Tips To Manage Acne In Oily Skin

Tired of random acne pop-ups and can’t even figure out the reason behind them? Well, the primary reason is the oil present on your skin. Even after regular cleaning and following a skincare routine, your skin starts to feel greasy and rough within hours. Oily skin is generally a breeding ground for possible bacteria, which can lead to acne if proper care is not taken. Other factors that can add up to the acne formation process are cloggy makeup products, dust, pollution, hormonal imbalance, and weather changes. Furthermore, you are more likely to get acne if you have a family history of oily, acne-prone skin. In addition to the reasons mentioned above, your diet, lifestyle, skincare products that don’t suit your skin type, and excess stress can also cause breakouts. In short, oily and acne-prone skin is complex and can have many causes. So, to begin with, you should know the root cause. 

Here we are, giving some handy skincare tips and solving your queries regarding managing acne on oily skin.

What causes acne-prone oily skin?

Everyone’s skin contains oil. Sebum is natural oil produced by sebaceous glands under the pores of your skin. This is originally present in the layers of your skin to keep it hydrated and healthy, but sometimes the sebaceous glands can produce too much oil. It further leads to acne breakouts when the oil mixes with dead skin cells and gets stuck in your pores.

Is oily skin prone to acne?

Having oily skin is quite normal; it is just a skin type like others. As mentioned above, everyone has oil glands present in their skin; it’s just that there’s excessive production in some cases. Oily skin might be prone to acne, but not every person with oily skin needs to have acne. You need to take proper care of it. Understand how your skin reacts to various skin products and keep your pores unclogged. A suitable skincare routine always comes to the rescue. 

How do you treat acne-prone skin?

Here are some tips for managing oily and acne-prone skin and some acne-oily skincare products.

  • Keep it clean!

It is very important to use a suitable face wash that can cater to your skin’s needs. Lely’s Acne squash wash consists of salicylic acid, silver nanoparticles, tree tea oil, glycolic acid, and other beneficial ingredients that can help combat acne and maintain a smooth skin texture. Products enriched with salicylic acid are known for regulating sebum production. These ingredients help to gently exfoliate the skin, minimize the appearance of pores, and aid in healing acne. All these ingredients rejuvenate and purify the skin, reduce inflammation, remove excess oil and dirt from the skin, prevent future breakouts, and deactivate the bacteria in existing acne. With regular usage of this product, forget what greasy, rough skin feels like and welcome your desired skin texture.

  • Exfoliate

Bacterial buildup formed on the layers of the skin can end up congesting the pores, making the skin more vulnerable to breakouts. At such times, exfoliation comes to the rescue! Regular scrubbing induces blood flow, cleanses your skin, and gives it a natural glow. Lely’s coffee scrub contains coffee and cocoa, which have revitalizing properties.

  • Use suitable products

Various factors, such as changing weather, oil buildup, and increasing pollution, have a harsh impact on your skin; then why would you add to it by also applying products that don’t suit your skin? It is important to understand how your skin reacts to different products and what works best for your inflamed skin. Lely’s acne sensor gel is a specially crafted product that ensures pimple-free skin for all skin types. It understands your skin and provides a complete cure for acne, helping to heal pimples and blackheads. It further reduces scars and dark spots. 

How to avoid getting acne?

Here are some additional tips to keep in mind to avoid acne:

  • Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle changes include various factors, such as starting a good diet, drinking plenty of water, and keeping stress at bay. Lifestyle changes should be prioritised when looking forward to getting acne-free skin. With a few changes, like adding more greens, vitamins, and fiber to your regular diet, setting up alarms for regular water consumption, and maintaining your peace, you’re not too far away from healthy skin! Step carefully. 

  • Clean your surroundings, not just your face

Regularly cleaning everything that touches your face can also help. For example, change pillowcases and face towels regularly, clean phone surfaces regularly, wash your hands before touching your face, and many more.

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