
Derma Roller: Why it’s Helpful to the Hair and Skin?

POSTED ON    Soham Mulani
Derma Roller: Why it’s Helpful to the Hair and Skin?

If you’re as passionate about skincare, you’ll know that the quest for hair growth a clear, bright complexion is never-ending.

Discovering what works for your skin and hair takes a long time, from scouring the market for the best skincare and haircare equipment to trying out the latest collagen-boosting, hair growth lotion, and complexion-clearing products. Micro-needling, and its milder version, derma rolling, are two of the most popular procedures for removing scars, boosting hair follies, fading hyperpigmentation, and boosting collagen production.

Micro-needling is a procedure that includes puncturing hundreds of microscopic holes in the skin with needles.

It may appear to be the newest beauty/skincare fad, yet it has been around and evolving for more than 50 years!

Derma rollers are effective for hair and skin. It can help to restore your hair and stop hair loss. For the face it addresses pigmentation problems and enhancing the skin’s surface.

How does the Derma roller work?

A derma roller is used in micro-needling operations to create micro-injuries on the skin. It contains hundreds of microneedles and creates micro-injuries on the skin. When they initially came out, derma rollers were solely for clinical usage, but they’ve now made their way into at-home routines as well.

Derma rollers are facial rollers with needles of different lengths and thicknesses. It is essentially a clinical treatment that aids in stimulating collagen in the skin results. It helps in resurfacing and coping with thick skin texture.


  • This activates the body’s wound-healing response, which results in the following:
  • The skin produces growth-stimulating chemicals.
  • In the skin, new blood vessels form.
  • The skin produces more collagen.

Collagen produced by the body accumulates in the treated skin. This aids in the firming of the skin and may help to decrease the appearance of fine wrinkles and increase hair follies.

 How does derma roll benefit your skin and hair?


Benefits for derma roller

For Skin: –

Because collagen is the major protein responsible for keeping healthy skin, the main collagen-boosting activity attracts beauty fans to this therapy. After 20 years of age, this naturally produced protein decreases in the human body, with visible effects on the skin.

Derma rollers puncturing effect, when combined with various sorts of add-ons such as potent serums and face lotion, causes your skin to react as follows:

  1. Scar tissue breakdown to enhance healing
  2. Resurfacing of the skin’s top layer to improve suppleness
  3. Wrinkles and fine lines fade
  4. Pore size reduction and sebum management
  5. Stretch marks are fading.

For Hair: –

Can treat Hair loss, hair growth, and hair restoration with the Derma Roller for hair. It’s a type of micro-needling using needles that range in size from 0.25mm to 1.5mm. Best to use is 0.5 mm 540 titanium alloy needles Derma Roller which is effective to use for hair. When you roll the derma roller on your scalp, it activates and regenerates hair cells needle to pierce holes in the skin, allowing the oil or lotion to reach the hair follicles. It increases collagen formation in the scalp, resulting in thicker, stronger hair.

Risk and Side Effects?

  • Because derma rolling is minimally invasive, you’re unlikely to have any adverse side effects if you use the proper technique and serum.
  • Some people should avoid derma rolling. However, if you’re not careful, you could end up with permanent scarring and skin discoloration. Eczema, psoriasis, and a history of blood clots put people at risk.
  • Before using a derma roller, anyone with skin disorders that could readily spread to other parts of the face, such as active acne or warts, should contact a healthcare expert.
  • You should also be cautious if you have sunburn, take Accutane or use retinol.
  • You risk harming the hair at the root if you go too deep. That can have the opposite effect of what you wanted.
  • When the Derma Roller is applied, the hair falls out. And it would result in hair thinning for a period when the hair regrows.
  • Even if you execute derma rolling correctly, you may have some shedding due to the inflammatory response that begins at the hair bulb.
  • When you cause an injury to the skin, you run the danger of infection. The best way to avoid this is to use a sterile Derma Roller.

How often should I derma roll?

Daily derma rolling should be avoided. Once a week, give it a shot and observe how your body reacts. After that, go twice a week.

It’s advisable to treat your problem areas only once in a single session. You don’t want to go over the scalp too many times because this could lead to more significant irritation and infection.

When to replace microneedle?

You’ll need to retire the tiny derma roller once you’ve begun using–and loving–it for your skin and discovered all the different derma roller functions for your needs. It, like anything else, wears out, and you wonder, Uh, this derma roller, does it work anymore?

So, to avoid this becoming a problem, consider the following:

The derma roller becomes dull due to rubbing and rolling against your skin. Depending on how often you move, the glowing results last from 3-6 months. So keep an eye out for when the microneedle pen starts to fade, or the derma roller results aren’t as hot as they used to be.

How to use one

How to use Derma Roller

If you want to use a derma roller at home, follow these instructions:

  • To sterilize the derma roller, remove it from its container and spritz it with an alcohol solution before washing it with warm water.
  • Use an antiseptic or saline solution to prepare the skin for therapy.
  • The skin should be rolled over once up and down, once diagonally, and once side to side.
  • After the skin has become reddish, sanitize the derma roller by spraying it with an alcohol solution and then washing it with warm water.
  • Allow the derma roller to dry before returning it to its storage case.

When using the derma roller on the face, roll each part separately. These are the sections:

  • top right of cheek and forehead
  • top left of cheek and forehead
  • lower cheek and right under the eye
  • left under eye and lower cheek
  • around the mouth

For Hair:

  • Start by sectioning the regions where you’re losing hair.
  • Apply a few drops of oil or topicals to the affected areas and massage them with your fingers.
  • You’ll go over the areas with the derma roller 4-5 times in the direction of hair development.


  • After utilizing the derma roller, apply moisturizer or serum to the skin.
  • These applications are expected to be absorbed significantly and profoundly by derma roller-treated skin than by untreated skin.
  • If you have a history of blood clotting issues or are on Accutane or other medical treatments, you should avoid using a derma roller.
  • Do not use Derma rollers on eczema, sunburned, or cold sore-affected skin. Anywhere there are moles, skin irritation, or rosacea, it’s best to stay away.
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